


     Welcome to Peculiar Decor! This is a blog where I talk about home decor and all things design related. I've created this blog because my passion for design is something that I can't help but share with the world. My title of the blog comes from my own business, Peculiar Pillow. We create awesome pillows at an affordable price. Talking about design has always been one of my favorite topics – so doing it on this blog will ensure you always have great resources to pursue your passion for upgrading your space with a little bit of you!

     I love to visit home decor stores, taking in new styles, color palettes, designs and more. Often enough, I find a disappointing variety as the focus is always on the trending few and not the many options. Where is the chance for me to add my own personal touch to my home? Where is the chance to try something bold? Something to change the feel of my space and really make it shine with a splash of me.

     There are so many options available when it comes to putting together your space. From choosing your first color palette, to finding the style that fits your personality, and the additional festive arrangement to fit the season. Lights, tables, blankets, decorative pillows, and more! So many options and combinations it can be overwhelming! Here in the Peculiar Decor blog, we will slow things down. We will take this one section at a time, turning over one rock at a time.

     Join in as I dive into the peculiar side of home design. We will look at the odds and ends that can bring a room together. Adding bold and personal touches to truly own your space. Journeying from the ordinary to the unusual, contemporary to the abstract. The dull and plain to the bright and bold. And everything in between!

     As we explore deeper, we will look at how to choose home decor that creates a beautiful cohesive flow to bring your space together and make it yours. From looking at our many color palette options and identifying how to choose the best ones. Too looking closer at the many different styles and finding the one that best reflects the inner you.

     Your personality is the glue that makes a space unique. We all strive to create a space that represents us. Each piece of us, how we live day to day, our dreams, our values, our inspirations and more, build the foundation to our design. All these elements come together to form the home’s decor.  Together we will tour the unfamiliar, experience the unexperienced and discover the design elements that ignite our passion to decorate!

     Home design is a creative process that you should feel comfortable adapting to fit your own needs, preferences, and style. No home is perfect, but everyone can strive to make theirs the best reflection of them it can be. After all, a home is a place where we spend most of our time and memories are made.

     We appreciate you taking the time to read, and hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog as much as we enjoy blogging. Stop by often to see what new topic we are plunging into and stay up to date on our latest Peculiar Decor. As always, whether you subscribe or just send an email, we would love to hear from you! Tell us about your own experiences, the peculiar things you’ve found, and what you want to explore next!

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